Frequently asked questions



We invite all ORU students of any major that have a heart for worship and prayer to get involved in the various areas of our department. We do not base one's involvement in the department solely on musical proficiency or experience, but a certain level of skill is necessary in the music areas to ensure we are empowering and investing in the members of our department in the most intentional way.


Auditions to be involved in Prayer Movement, Music Missions, Souls A'Fire, and Team Night are held at the beginning of both the fall and spring semesters. At the end of the fall and spring semesters, students can audition for the ORU Worship team. Follow ORU Worship Center on Instagram for live updates regarding all area of involvement.

What’s the difference between the worship center and a worship arts degree?

The Worship Center is a department on campus that oversees the ORU Worship team, Souls A'Fire, and Prayer Movement. All academic degrees are housed in the College of Music. The Worship Center is separate from the College of Music. Acceptance into either of these programs does not imply automatic entry into the other. You do not need to be a Worship Arts major to be involved in the Worship Center.

how do I book and oru worship center team?

To book a Worship Center team, click here and fill out the contact form to request a team. You can select the type of team you want so we can better address your needs! Ex: ORU Worship, Souls A'Fire, or Music Missions.

how do I book and oru worship center team?

To book a Worship Center team, click here and fill out the contact form to request a team. You can select the type of team you want so we can better address your needs! Ex: ORU Worship, Souls A'Fire, or Music Missions.



Prayer Movement consists of student-led prayer and worship teams that lead sets in the Prayer Tower Auditorium every weeknight. Once formed, these teams gain experience in leading worship amongst the ORU community by corporately seeking the heart of Jesus through prayer and worship. Our Prayer Movement teams come together to receive training at Team Nights that are hosted frequently throughout each semester.


To be involved in Prayer Movement, students should attend the first Team Night of the semester. Once involved in Prayer Movement for a full semester, students can apply for Prayer Movement leadership. Applications for Prayer Movement leadership are usually taken at the beginning of the fall semester at Team Night. Any ORU student is welcome to attend the prayer sets in the Prayer Tower auditorium every weeknight.

whAT IS oru worship?

ORU Worship is the primary team for the ORU Worship Center. ORU Worship leads at Chapel, Campus Worship, Empowered21, and Team Night. This dynamic worship team exists to bring a genuine heart of worship coupled with musical and creative excellence to every environment. Through tours, special events around the globe, and album recordings, ORU Worship captures the songs, creativity, and passion of ORU.

How can I be a part of the oru worship team?

ORU Worship partners with the ORU Worship Center Vision to raise up spirit empowered worshippers. Auditions are held at the end of each semester. One semester of involvement (Prayer Movement or Souls A’Fire) in worship center is required to audition.

Who has to audition for Worship Center

Every year, we ask all members of the Worship Center to audition. We ask new members to audition to express their interest in the department. We ask our returning members to audition to gauge improvement and express their re-involvement in the department.

What do I need to bring to my worship center audition?

If this is your first time auditioning, we have a $5 audition fee. This is only required once; at your very first department audition.

Singers, we have a microphone ready for you. All you need to bring is yourself. Drummers, a drum set will be available for you to use, but remember your drumsticks. Base and guitar players, bring your instrument. We will have an amp available for you to use. Keyboardists, a keyboard will be provided. If you are auditioning on any other instrument, please bring it with you.

How do video Auditions work?

If you are a returning student, you will have the option to submit a video audition via our website instead of auditioning again in person.

How do I get more information on ORU’S CHAPEL?

For more information on chapel - visit our events page.


Team Night is held on Monday nights during the fall and spring semesters for our Worship Center community. Students gather together to worship, receive practical training, and grow in community. Trainings are offered on topics like facilitating a worship atmosphere, running effective rehearsals, songwriting, and the theology of worship.

current student faq

WHo can use the lowers rehearsal room?

Lowers is the Worship Center practice space located out of the double doors on the stage left side of the chapel stage. Music Missions, Prayer Movement, Campus Worship, Souls A' Fire, Team Night, and ORU Worship can all rehearse in Lowers. Any other event or activity that is not specifically under the department cannot use it. Example: Battle of the Bands, personal practice teams, etc.

WHat equipment is available for me to use?

Both Lowers and the Prayer Tower Auditorium have the equipment necessary for our programs. The equipment must remain in the rooms at all times and only be used by members of the department who are authorized to do so. Example: if you rehearse in Lowers, you must be trained before you use the soundboard. We do not lend our equipment unless it is directly requested by the university or authorized by our directors.

Can i borrow equipment for my event?

Unfortunately, we do not allow our students to use our equipment unless it is specifically for a Worship Center event. If you are in need of equipment or instruments, we suggest yelling down your dorm hallways. We can guarantee someone on your floor has a guitar or cajon you can use.